The Fresh Reign Podcast

The Dream Studio | Prayer, Dreams, and Faith | Part 1

Karla Allen/Jamila Chambers Season 1 Episode 3

It is time for you to wake up and dream with Life Coach, Jamila Chambers, the host of the Dream Studio Radio  provides tools, information, and resources to create a life without limits.

In part 1 of a two part  conversation, I sit down in the Dream Studio with my sister-friend and host of the Dream Studio, Jamila Chambers As we talk  about dreams, belief, and prayers.

You may also engage with Jamila Chambers via The Bridge Community.

To download "Show Me Your Glory", Conversations Of A Watchman, and other resources by Karla Allen, please visit

For more information on Karla Allen and Fresh Reign, please visit wearefreshreign | | karlaallen_| KarlaEAllen.

"My God is Big" | Dasha Moore | Dasha Moore Music

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